What cellphone has the loudest ring tone?
Can anybody suggest one? I can still use my cellphone (on loud) but I haven't found a cellphone with a loud ring tone. I am hearing impaired, not deaf on the contrary getting there.
Anyone know how to make a song play when someone calls your cellphone instead of a ring tone?
Does know how to conceive a song play when someone calls your cellphone instead of a ring tone? Like while someone calls your cellphone and waits for you to pick up, they'll hear a song like "Umbrella" playing instead a normal ring tone until you answer the cell phone.
Can you please suggest a good piece of movie music for my cellphone ring tone? ?
Please any memorable bit of orchestration you may have heard in a film, just mention the name of the movie and its occurrence, i'll find it on youtube or someplace.
how can i make songs i transfered to my w580i cellphone a ring tone?
I have! a sony ericson w580i (the walk man cell bell thing) and i transfered a couple songs to my phone and my phone wont let me chose it as a ring tone by oneself for words note allerts i also heard the songs on my phone and i know that the songs are there and everything and when i break silence select as ringtone it tells me "option not available" how cause i make it so i can use it as a ringtone.
How do i put a ring tone on cellphone?
It is a Motorola Razr and I'm with At&t.
How do I set a recorded sound on my cellphone as my ring tone?
I hold the LG EnV. How do I do it.
Cellphone Ring-tone Question?
Okay, i hankering a ring tone that captures the interest of other people, but i don't know what to bias! i listen to pretty much any music, but sovereign state, so provided you could communicate me some of the attention-grabbing bell tones, that would be great.
Where can I find a plain (cricket) ring tone fo! r a Sony Ericsson cellphone?
The one I want is the plain (cricket) phone tone of an ordinary phone (I had it on my old Nokia. I've aloof got a Sony Ericsson cellphone, but I can't find the ring tone I want. I would be glad to notice if I can conceivably dispose it on the web somewhere.
Have you ever formed an opinion about someone about someone based on their cellphone ring tone?
Poll: Whats your cellphone ring tone?
Im guessing Samsung is the brand.
They're called return tones are available complete your carrier.
Com] is the particular site that works on all of my phones. They have the cardinal and best for nothing ringtone maker. [ventones] [. Just click where it says CREATE FREE RINGTONES and follow directions, 1) upload an mp3 file, 2) make a ringtone out of it, for for free, 3) they matter it to you.
Try ventones. Com Works absolute and it's chargeless.
U own to retain someone correspondence it to u.
Check website of your tele! phone provider.
It's funny on the other hand people achieve that i have many times been in a store and heard thier cell call rings and then look at themweird. Lol please cipher mean meant about that. A few suprised me. Kinda like a nun having acdc back in black on her ringtone.
Cellphone sync software and unplug it from the power adapter and both the devices support the sd format, not all places have wifi internet access and a laptop case would have won hands down.
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