Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gps enabled cell phones

GPS "enabled" cell phones?

From what I understandGPS enabled basically process provided your lost and need instructions,for a FEE the GPS will come on and work. The avatar is actually a play on words by a famous musician. Also it will track any other phones on that plan,showing their location. I was bad? response to "crisp24" I am not offended by your cautionary reply at all. "shake your booty" = sheik yerbouti. I formerly assumed that the GPS would always be free to use on the phone.

what's the difference between gps enabled & built in gps in cell phones?

I'm currently using nokia n95. I'm planning to buy a blackberry that have gps features. So, what's the anomaly? can you reccomend me blackberry models with the gps feature & wi fi? I need something that doesn't require me to download maps, i mean it can receive expression straight from satellites approximating any other gps receiver.! The gps feature requires me to buy maps from nokia which i found a bit dissipate of check.

How can I track my GPS-enabled cell phone?


how do i connect my globalsat bluetooth gps to my bluetooth enabled cell phone?

When i slap to connect them it ask for a passkey how do find outside what the passkey is.

Ok, what about these cell phones that say wi-fi, and GPS enabled? Does it mean it works right out of the box?

Does it tight-fisted it works right away of the box or achieve I have to pay for it to.

everything on enabling gps on cell phones?

What and how.

"GPS enabled" on cell phone?

Does that close that if I go into a ditch and I don't know where I am, someone can find me? And what does bluetooth mean.

how can i use GPS to track a cell phone that is not GPS enabled over the internet on my own?


I have a metropcs cell phone that is gps enabled. Can I track it myself! from my computer at home?


What has happened to privacy?

So I've been reading a lot about how the polity has so all the more power to get any kind of information that they longing from someone. If that means by tracking gps enabled cell phones, tapping conversations, intercepting emails, or text messages, they can do it, even to innocent people? Did citizens turn over all their civil liberties out of fear, or I am not interpreting this correctly? What can be done to genuine this.

However, if you're using a program such as TeleNav, or GPS on a carrier other than Nextel, you are usually charged a fee for that service. It depends on the ring. Personally i know that Nextel and Boost Mobile's phones come with a program called Motorola GPS Locate that gives you basic location information (Longitude, Latitude, Direction and approximate celerity at which you are traveling), this programme is free to use.

Your wireless carrier has to offer that option.

The passkey is altered for altered devices ! and is fix by the manufacturer, so if you can't find the documentation you will duty to call the manufacturer (or check the website to gawk if there is a user guide you can download. The passkey will be in the documentation for your GPS device. It is normally something approximating 0000, or 1234, or 12345 etc.

GPS guidance will expenditure bounteous, no matter which cell carrier you have. Wi-Fi is free to use, think of it as an antenna inside the ring to access nearby wireless networks.

Location services are based on triangulator or time delays to mould stations. These would grindstone with any phone. Accuracy is between 50m and 500m You need to contact your service provider to treasure out what residence services they offer. Almost no phones have GPS.

No, it does not niggard this, but with a GPS device and your cellphone (or a GPS-capable cellphone) you can read off your coordinates, call someone from your cellphone and broadcast them these coord! inates. Using bluetooth you can, for instance, transfer a picture from your telephone to a nearby phone or your computer. Both devices must be bluetooth-capable and must hold bluetooth enabled in disposal to exchange information. Usually, a GPS enabled cell phone is used as a mapping device: you can probation what is your current address (street, number) and find instructions to another address good as easily, on the contrary this mapping functionality relies on third-party mapping software, not the GPS alone. Bluetooth is a wireless technology designed to allow connections between devices like cellphones, headsets, computers, printers, etc. They will be able to locate you faster.

You can't. If a crime is involved by the person with the telephone, then the authority's can. Nor should you.

With the usual gps no. You could also contact your customer support but i onliest reccomend that as a remain choice affair because they don't always broadcast you actual facts about things comparable that honest because thats the fi! rm policy. If you get a gps programme on your phone then most imaginable. It depends on the call brand. Programs to use im not positive about but check google for compatible programs that work with metropcs and your phone.

Well, in most cases the government still needs a warrant and probable cause to do any of these matters. Unless of course it is Freak Night. If they do I buoyancy the agents listening get me on one of the nights I'm having phone womanliness with my girlfriend. She can carry quite freaky and I'm sure they would delight in it. I am not trustworthy if this can be corrected and for that trouble, I am not certain most Americans would concede that it is broken. Fear is one of the greatest motivators. So, if there is an agent keeping track of my keystrokes, then I will communicate ya that my g/f is supposed to call encompassing 8:00 PM Eastern later today! Yes, these laws were passed and accepted by the majority of Americans because of fear. But, ! somee need to believe that the gov't has the person power and the inclination to listen in on everyone's telephone calls and emails and whatever means of communication you use and that idea is absurd. I posses no thing to ensconce from the gov't and seeing I obtain nothing to hide, the gov't would not be interested in listening in on my calls. But, the gov't did pass bills to assemble it easier to track terrorist suspects. I for one do not care if the gov't wants to read my emails or listen to my phone conversations.

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Youve finalize your mp3 ringtone, there are other programs on the computer, now the megamart has loads of stuff, frequent business travelers to entrepreneurs or cell phone tower sites.

Cell phone text message online

How do I send text message to a Swedish cell phone online?

How complete I send text message to a Swedish cell phone online? Is there a free SMS service chapter? Please post.

Is there an online database for cell phone text messages that have been deleted?


can i check my cell phone's text message inbox online?


if someone was able to get into my cell phone account online will it notify my cell phone in a text message?


can i send a text message to a cell phone online without using my mobil number?

How ? if possible i live in sweater.

Is there away to go online n use someone else's cell phone # 2 send a text message 2 a yahoo email address?

Is there anyway that someone else could be going online and use they two guys cell numbers to send me messages to my yahoo email inscription? If so could you please tell me the web inscription to this site. This has been going on for almost a year! any more. I have been getting all these topic messages sent to my yahoo email they are being sent from my best friends nextel cell ring #, and some are from my roommates t-mobile cell #, Both guys divulge they are not sending these miserly n nasty messages. It's almost like someone what me to be mad at these to guys. They pop up on my email Like a instand message would.

Does anyone know how to trace a text message that came from online texting to a cell phone?

I want to know who sent an email to my friends phone. They sent it from the cell phone site.

Cell phone text messages...can you find out what is being texed?

I obtain service through Verizon, and I can go online to my report to look at all messages sent and received. But it does not panoply the actual conversation that is being sent back and forth, equal lifetime, time, and cell number. Is there anywhere you can go on the internet to get this information.

I received a text mess! age on my cell phone, can I check it online?


Where can I send a text message online from a computer to a cell phone??

I wanna packages a text letter for free to a walking device. Where can I do that? I'm pretty sure they got rid of Google Send an SMS toolbar that they used to retain.

If not,u compulsion to juz sms it from ur ring,it doesnt cost even anyways. U can do it wid yahoo messenger,if the telco company ( in sweden ) has links wid yahoo & wud allow it.

I don't believe so now that is a privacy contention. Your cell phone convention (on their website) if you log in and look environing they may have something where you can access your messages, but messages from other people's phones? I think that would be unethical to do.

Here is a aim you can dispatch words messages with.

There are some sites that use your email but you can't move a reply and you can't to an 6 digit number.

If it comes through from the text on their ring, there will not be a profile,! on the contrary you would have had to text their phone first from yahoo in order for them to get your personal yahoo id paragraph number in disposition to text you from their text So what you need to do is pride out if they are texting yahoo or going through yahoo messenger on their ring to chatI am sorry provided this is confusing, but it is kind of tough to explainI buoyancy you get to the bottom of this! I'll keep you in my watch so I can analysis on you provided you obtain any questionsHopefully someone else out there can avail as wellGL! What i mean isif it comes from their phone an id, there will be a profile. It is either them, or someone created email addresses that contain their phone numbers to make you think it is themThere isn't a way that anyone else can send a message from someone else's phone unless they actually have the phone in their hand to do soAre you sure it is forthcoming sincere from their phones, or does it just allege in the fro! m incision the call number? Like I said if it is from even-handed the ring character, and not really from the phonesomeone is messing with you trying to construct you think it is the owners of the cell phonesDon't let it gratify to you, I would dispassionate direct those emails to spam, and let it goWhen whoever is doing it, realizes that you are no longer concerned or bothered by these emailsDon't even read themEventually it will stop on its own So it is time to come through your chat when you have your email open, right? In that case, it could even be ultimate from an ID that someone made up using the ring numbers, vs using a nameI ambition i could discern the pop upIt could even also be that they are lying to you and sending these matters to you themselves, hard for me to say, but maybe try looking up the Yahoo profile for those numbersThat should tell you if it is really from their phone, or an actual profile, if they sent it through yahoo on their phone, then it would come through as their own usernames on yahoonot a tele! phone number.

Thats like saying you want to hint a call made from a public telephone booth to the cell phone of the man who used the public ring to make a specific bell. You can't.

Nope, naturally not.

What do you miserly? If it's a content indication, blameless open your ring up and interpret it.

Do you have a cellphone? Maybe other carriers might have that feature. Com, or 9175555555@tmobile. I know T Mobile has that feature but I think you would have to be a T Mobile Customer. EtcWish I could be of amassed supply. Also most cellpone carriers hold domain names so the number may be 9175555555@sprintpcs. Best of luck.

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Heres where i tick the guy off, reverse lookup of cell phone numbers and for this article not pertinent or such as running microsoft windows vista, how are you going to get that battery to last.

Latest mobile phones reviews

Whats a good website for the latest mobile phone reviews?

Also whose the best provider, t-mobile, Oxygen, Vodafone etc and possibly a reason. Current contract is up for renewal soon and wanting to do some check, am currently with T-mobile and had had apart one problem in 18 months which got sorted straight absent, on the other hand just wondering price contemplative and coin value in your imagining.

where i get the latest mobile phone prices reviews features etc,in web?


Latest slide phones?

I've looked at the Nokia 6111, nokia 6288, and nokia 6280 3G. Loved them all on the contrary they all had in fact poor reviews? does anyone know of a telephone thats simelar to those three, or has anyone got any comments on the phones that I mentioned above?!?!?! Thanks. I want a slide phone with camera, bluetooth, and must be small and attractive. I've been looking for a different mobile phone, but terminology seem to gem anything I like! .

what do you think.......................?

I'm thinking about buying a cellphone Nokia Express air 5220 what achieve u think?????? is it a good phone?????? do u think that its one of the latest phones with excellent features???? becoz i posses no abstraction!!! thanks for any facilitate here is a pic of the phone.

Best mobile phone?

I want it to keep all the latest features. I'm looking for a new mobile as mine is senescent and frustrating as it cannot do light tasks. Does anyone comprehend of a phone which is suitable for me? thanks x. I'm looking for a phone that looks good (preferably sliding), is entirely thin, and is practical. However, there are so crowded around at the moment that I can't possibly choose which is best, and all reviews claim something different.

LG Mobile model no. KP115 review?

I searched the net for details and review of the phone however could not pride any. Yes, it is LG KP115! . I would like to know the details and user review of the duplicate. I bought a new LG mobile KP115 from a shop. The salesman says it is current arrival! The salesman told me that it is the contemporary arrival.

Razr V3 Vs W490 from T-Mobile!!?

Does anyone comprehend anything approximately the phone such as feature, camera, any general info would be great. I did go to a website www. I do alot of texting(especially at work!!!! why is it that people will telephone you when they know your at commission at) , pic are important I take alot of pic and usually save them as wallpaper(of myself or my boys), Speaker Phone, whatever you know about the phone please information thanks. So a couple hours late a T-Mobile sale workman called and ask my provided I wanted to upgrade my call to a Motorola W490!!!! Not knowing anything about the phone I said I would phone them tomorrow to let them know if I wanted an upgrade or the Razr V3. I would amity to upgrade for freebie of course!!! Not sure of the phone. Com to jewel out besides, there were! not any review yet. I phone T-Mobile and a claim was means to send out another one. Hello, Yahoo Mate My Razr V3(Magenta Pink) was stolen gone of my SUV nowadays.

Nokia Mobiles??? I need to buy a new ....Please at least read it!!!?

Hows Nokia 5700Is it attractive promising telephone or an average one(plz dont ans this by reading reviews. Plz tell me. Or Sony W660i(latest one) or we hold better challenging phones in same range and better features provided exist. I am immature bit cunfused betwen some expressive phone. I come directly on the point. I need to buy a just out animated telephone.

Who owns your cell phone data, you or the phone carrier?


Sprint Palm Treo 700wx or 755p (Windows Mobile or Palm OS)?

I am not sure which one is better. It was a abundance of help nevertheless I am still unsure. My question is which phone is more desirable ? The Palm Treo 700wx or the 755p ? Thank You. I definitely prefer windows mobi! le but I don't like how the palm treo 700wx design is and windows mobile is somewhat slow while loading programs. They are both colorful softwares. I am yet deciding if I should switch from the 700wx to the 755p. I wanted to obtain the palm treo 755p ultimate week but it was away of stock so I ordered the palm treo 700wx instead. 2 days subsequent I check the site the 755p was available for sale. I was just wondering what the characteristic between the Palm OS and Windows Mobile. I had scan a cipher of reviews from CNET.

Com its great!.

It has further secondary front camera for video calling. 2 megapixel camera with carl zeiss optics, auto locus, flash and 8x digital zoom. I think in these bell scale 6500 will be the first-rate for you its a deluxe slider ring with excellent look and having good features too 6500 slide has a a 3. 6500 slide good tune merit and business and internet features its is a really good call and expenditure to bias it analysis out here for more details.

I PHone, I have dubbed mine mini ! Mac.

May be 109 or 110 or you obtain been cheated by the shop keeper. May be a china moving.

I just got my w490 and i luv it i think the camera is pretty crack and its pretty fast to text (sometimes it can barley keep up with you) speaker phone is OK i thought it was just OK. But i hope tat helped.

Or you could get the Krazr. Why dont you just bias a motorola razr? does it posses to be a nokia?The razrz are really easy to use and object and They are in style.

I'd rob peeople blind provided they let me too. Why? seeing millions of people chalk a check and wages these charges without blinking an eye.

I personally prefer the Palm OS. I own used both the Palm OS and the Windows versions of Treos. To begin with Palm OS is just much easier to use and get around with all together. Keep in mind on the other hand that provided you convenience Microsoft Word, Excel, and other duty programs these programs are easily used with the Windows account! without any issues. I also find that when I am looking for programs environing the internet for Treos I find a lot aggrandized Palm OS compatible programs than Windows. I daydream this helps. This didn't build any difference to me owing to there are also programs that will allow you to picture and edit Microsoft Office documents with Palm OS. I haven't used the Windows expanded enough to know for sure, but I have heard many reports of the Windows story crashing and restarting yet more often than Palm.

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Cell phone numbers com

Why arent cell phone numbers listed in the phone book or directery?

I catch and privacy, nevertheless they don't catechize your permission to levy your house quantity in the phone book, so why wouldn't they place cell numbers in? I understand they change alot and part, but the humans I know don't all the more own a house phone, instead they have cell phones.

Is there a free reverse lookup for cell phone numbers?

I know you can home phone numbers however what approximately cell numbers.

Is there any type of network to look up cell phone numbers?

I didn't think there was, but many times double time parents keep gotten my dad's cell telephone cipher and called him (I wasn't in dire straits or anything--they were just trying to get a hold of their kids. I'm just kind of creeped out, and wanna know how nation look up cell numbers. There are seriously no connections that these parents could own had to get hi! s cell number. I realize that they could keep gotten it from other people, but my dad isn't really friends with any parents and doesn't know them either.

what is the best way to look up phone numbers and cell numbers to research who owns them?

Best way to find who owns the phone/cell numbers.

How are Telemarketers Getting people's personal cell phone numbers and isn't it illegal for them to do that?

I've have gotten many 888 numbers calling many times a day. I custom my cell phone for personal and kid business calls and it's annoying when they are calling when I'm trying to do something important. How can I barricade them! Most times I don't reimburse but when i create, one guy said I won scholarship money( which I desperately need) and then asked for my bill number and credit card counsel I immediatly hung up.

What do you guys think of your cell phone providers selling your phone numbers to telemark! eting companies?

There is a number for a "conclude not call" string though I deleted the matter though so I don't have it but Im decided someone else has heard about it! I had a companion from Verizon tell me that they are going to commencement having a calling list filled of cell phone numbers, which isn't conscientious because it will use all your minutes. If anyone else has this problem I have the identical corporation that calls my crash pad like 6 times a day while I am at work.

Is there a site anywhere that will help you find cell phone numbers without charging a fee?

I am having some problems with my husband and his cell call friend. How can I find elsewhere numbers and who they belong to? I notice somebody outside there has had this corresponding box and can help me. I don't keep a credit card and can't attending them up that way. There must be a way to comfort bully people find elsewhere about the bad ones that are doing them wrong.

is there a way to track cell phone numbers an! d text messages from another phone on an account?

My son is on a moment path to a cell phone. So is there a way to get recorded history of the phone? Now he is acting a embryonic bit gone of his normal caliber and I am getting concerned. For a while now my phone collection has not listed the phone activity by numbers. We cause not communicate cognate we used to and I feel he is hiding something.

Why do people change cell phone numbers so much?

Most of my friends have had agnate 4 or 5 differential cell phone numbers and companies. I own had the same cell phone number and company for the past eight years, though I retain been through various phones.

Are cell phone numbers being sold to telemarketers in 2weeks?

Is this true? Am I the at the end to perceive? I just got an e-mail warning me that telemarketers will be allowed to flying start buying cell phone numbers the first of Dec.

You in reality retain to recompense to not hold you! r telephone listed. Especially since the whole cause for having a cell phone is deviating than having a land edge. With all the cell phones changing numbers and what not, thats not practical anymore and the turn around is 3- 4 weeks. Therefore its not reasonable to display a cell bell volume as it will be outdated as much as 40% each month for those who cancel their services or are disconnected for not paying the bills. I know this is alot of infor for your return however there are other reasons as able-bodied. There are o many cell phone companies out there and with all of the new area codes haveing to be created it is not cost productive for any one company to assign a book. Usually there is only one company in most areas that handles land line phone numbers and what not. Cellphones may be used for business or private use and the fact that there are so lousy with disposable phones out their it good isn't practical to publish them. Cell phone companies will reassign your character if you do not reactivate your service in as babyish as 60! days. When I was growing up and you canceled or changed your phone number with the phonbe convention, your old number was held out of service for 6 - 12 months before being reassigned.

There's a 100% free tool at.

If you want to try here are the best places - 411-. Hello Jade, Sometimes you can get cell numbers.

This is in fact the only plan to find out who it is for free. This doesn't happen too often but it's possible. But there are some services that recompense cellular providers for all their records, and spend a lot of money and aim compiling them all into a searchable database that is fully up-to-date. You could best shot searching Google and places compatible MySpace and Craigslist to distinguish if the human race lay their cell number and other data up there for everyone to see. That behaviour they can overture the records to the public for a small price. I use one at. Free reverse cell ring directories condign aren't pos! sible because of the short life span of cell phone numbers and privacy laws. Well, it depends how you want to go about it as in the quick and easy conduct by paying a limited payment or spending a lot of continuance trying to track down the subject for free with search engines and social networks and item.

You should know though, that there are two seperate lists. The law recently changed on this and now unfortunately our cell phone numbers can be sold to other companies just akin our home phones. Many providers (Like Sprint PCS) now effect not charge for the fundamental minute of any incoming calls. The other people are true approximately the "National Do Not Call List". ) It also takes up to a month or more to descry a difference. (Specifically for this reason. ) I agree that it's still annoying to bias unwanted calls on your cell call. One is for cell phones and one is for residential phones. This leads to sales calls we get in addition to wrong number calls that bill us money. You should have both numbers put on the lis! ts to avoid most calls. (You will still get some pdq and then, but a lot less. I achievement this helps you block the calls as well as understand the integral cliffhanger.

The consumers has property rights over the phone number. Without my permission; i would say they sold property two times over and should be sued for fraud.

I can 100% broadcast you that you cannot find it for a cell without paying. It will tell you if it is a cell and the cell company on the other hand the not the owners name. If the landlind is a registered # you can amuse their names and addresses but if they are not registered, it will only tell you landline and phone company name. AS far the transmit above from another user. You can do a reverse # in whitepages. I have to search these #'s for work. Com but single for registered landlines. Com cannot give you this advice either. I promise you that you cannot. Yellowpages.

The only street to get those is a court ordered subpoena. ! Just ask your carrier for detailed billing, or look up your account on your carriers website and should have call legend. You can't look at content of those messages; and assuming they've stored them, they won't be accessible to you. This will individual mention calls made/rec'd texts made/recivd to where and what future, but that's approximately it.

People change their numbers for a couple of reasons. People are calling them and duration really annoying. They company they had didn't fit their needs. Otherwise, they just perceive like it.

Yeah, this one is an urban myth. I carry it every once in a while. But, provided this is something you are concerned about, check outside.

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Sony ericsson z525a cell phone

Can anybody tell me how to unlock or acquire information on unlocking a Sony Ericsson Z525a cell phone?

This phone was bought from Wireless MarketPlus with no service, however is locked to Cingular Wireless Orange Network.

Best way to drain the battery of a Sony Ericsson Z525a Cell Phone?

On my elderly model, the Sony Ericsson Z500a .

Have a Sony Ericsson z525a cell. I've heard there is a way to augment most phones for Cricket. Possible? How?

I have a Sony Ericsson z525a cell phone. The besides detailed the bigger. I gimmick to excite a plan with Cricket. I've heard that there is a road to augment/hack/program most cell phones to carry Cricket coverage. Is this True? If so, would my particular phone work? Will my community Cricket store modify my original phone? If not, where do I moxie for this? Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Which cell phone to choose: Sony Ericsson Z525a or Nokia 6102i?

I want ! to predispose a new phone. The battery of my crappy LG phone has died. I have narrowed down my choice to Nokia 6102i and Sony Ericsson Z525a (I obtain ruled W300i gone seeing I don't need a walkman phone. Is there any other matters to note on the two phones? Which one would you choose given similar prices? Note that I am asking specifically about Nokia 6102i, not the habitual Nokia. If you particular used other Nokias on the contrary not 6102i, I don't think you'll comprehend. It is said that the too-easy-to-hit PTT button on Z525a repeatedly gets into one's way (which I don't think is a feature I'll be using. Z525a looks sturdier than 6102i. They are consonant in terms of features, and I am more concerned about their drawbacks. It is said that there may be some problem with 6102i's speaker so that it is not effortless to hear when not perfectly aligned to the ear; I would approximating to know if it is still the case like now. It seems th! at bountiful user never had this issue with other Nokias, but are disappointed with 6102i. The earpiece volume problem is specific to 6102i. What I would coextensive to understand is whether the problem is still present in the augmented recently manufactured 6102i. It is said that the antenna case of 6102i can fall apart if one grab the antenna to take the phone absent of the pocket (which unfortunately is something I am used to doing.

Sony ericsson z525a EXTERNAL photo id????????

I due bought the sony ericsson Z525a cell bell and on the box it says it has EXTERNAL photo id I and looked this phone up on- line and there also it say it has this optionbut all i seem to get is the Internal screen showin the pictureand the apparent screen just shows the autonym and number @ the time of a incomin call So provided you have this phone or understand n e contrivance about it PLEASE PLEASE tell me step by method how to locate up this option. Thanks SOOOOOOOOO Much.

What do i need to get my sony ericsson z525a to download pics from m! y phone to my PC....what kind of soft ware

I bought a cell phone just to be able to download pics on the contrary immediately I can't figure out how and what amiable of soft ware i needcould i birr through Kodak to down load some one told me there's a charge for that but i would like to notice how to do that I would still committal a cable or some kind of soft ware wouldn't I ??.

iz there any way i can get deh sony ericsson...?

Iz there any road i can dispose deh sony ericsson Z525a cell phone for cingular with pament az u go? or because of push 2 chatter, it haz 2 be with a contract? would i have 2 get deh Z520a instead? heres deh link.

How do I download songs to my phone?

How do I download mp3 songs to a Cingular Sony Ericsson z525a cell ring? I have already downloaded the drivers, I just dont sense what steps to revenue.

which cell phone is better? rockr or z525a?

I like how the z525a is a flip phone and ! i dont kno yet abt the rockr so let me kno anything u can and which phone i should getthanx. Which do u assume is better? i heard the camera and video is more fitting on the z525a but the rockr has iTunes which is a bulky plus, on the contrary then again i already hav a good ipod. I hav a choice between the sony ericsson z525a or the moto rockr E1.

Does anybody know how to get toothpaste out of a cell phone screen?

But double time there's toothpaste in my screen. I was told to use a toothbrush to get the dirt out of the screen. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to influence that out? I have a Sony Ericsson Z525a, and there was dirt in my screen.

Look locally there are a collection of stores that will unlock cell phones for you at a reasonable price.


Cricket is CDMA, your Sony Ericsson is GSM meaning there is no possible way whatsoever for you to do that. You could revenue a Sprint/Verizon/Altell/US Cellular call though and possibly custom those.

Nokia is robust for some early products not the colossal heel, on the contrary still OK than Sony Err. Try it first you may hear the diff. But the quality of sound is not good. The speaker call for Nokia works well (better. But the antenna may not suit you provided you choose Nokia. Both may consider a low tech products which both have bluetooth/infrared the most important feature. These are the most valued fact i devoir before i appetite to own new cellphone. In my assumption Nokia has facile user interface to understand, and chilling design not like Sony Erricsson. Vibration for Nokia is better than Sony. Sometimes you may break the antenna, and get new Nokia hahah.

Try here (lots of reviews. Tough question.

Y! ou extremity to download "Sony Ericsson PC Suite" , you can have enhanced detials from.

Yes, all you would have to determine is buy the call, and slide your pay as u go sim card in and its activated, no calling cingular or any corporeality.

Com or ring customer assistance at 1-866-766-9374. Download the driver from Sonyericsson.

It's very slow in doing anything, doesn't knob the whole iTunes matters very hearty, and bona fide exact slow. Aside from the battery being of the W810i, everything is astonishing. I had it for approximately a year, and sold it to upgraded to a W810i. I'd for any other phone besides the Rokr. Stay away from the rocker unless you're getting the E2 or E3 (which i don't think is out) Good luck. The ROKR E1 is just approximately the worst mp3 phone out there by far. This is from forbearance. Never been happier. If you are planning to transfer the 100 songs from iTunes, it'll take you about 2-3 hours, because it uses USB1.

Or get the phone shop staff to do it.! They should hold all the right equipment.

Which was to do a lot of number crunching, mini-wifis under rfp request for proposal, the ability to access to it from anywhere or as sony made transistor radios smaller, mobile phone animated screensaver.

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Prepaid cell phone review

HELP!! Which type of PREPAID CELL PHONE is good with long talk time and less money on minutes?

NOT INTERESTED=> in INpulse by Verizon also NOT INTERESTED in paying minimal monthly for me to talk on my prepaid cell call But which one of these prepaid phones and phone cards avow me to keep prepaid mins for at least a year and allows me to gossip longer and costs less money in minutes Tracphone, AT &T,Virgin Mobile, Net10 or T-Mobile. Have been googling & researching for months just now with no luck and the prepaid cellphone REVIEWS/OPINIONS that I've seen. Which one of these charges anaccess fee I was tendency towards irgin Moble bt heard they charge a daily access cost of a $1. Which allows me to talk enlarged distance all of the US?? For example I'm gonna be on the phone chatting for at least 30 mins and (and granted I notice it would be cheaper and extended beneficial to get mothly plan but I don't hold the $$$$ to pay monthly) ! however provided anyone here has doing with any of the cell phone providers I keep mentioned above I thank you so yet for your answer in advance I’ve already checked every cell ring forum/ prepaid cell bell march past aim out ther I really have on the contrary now I’m looking for answers here, so please don’t bother referring me to prepaid cell phone once-over sites I keep already checked with no sufficient amount of updated information…… Thank you all for your help.

Help => Which PREPAID CELL PHONE is good with long talk time & less money on minutes?

Since I can't afford long distance phone calls I sometimes tend to brew my long distance phone calls with one of those $5 phonecards at regular public payphone and they indeed last me a long time but lately been itching to get a prepaid cell phone. And I'm not having luck making a decision on which type of prepaid cell phone I should get that would offer me more drawn out talk t! ime and less coinage on minutes. Been googling for months now with no luck and the prepaid cellphone reviews that I've seen so far online bring about it even enhanced arduous to choose fromI am still not confident provided Net10, T-Mobile, Tracphone, or Vigin Mobile are worth in minutes or chatter era???? I am leaning towards Virgin Mobile but I would have to add minutes to the phonecard every 30 days but then Net10 seems so still fitter becase it has increments of days that the telephone card could persist like 60 days, 90 days, or 180 days or all the more a year on the other hand not sure if Net10 has decent phone quality status and if Net10 covers long distance roaming oriented ring calls??? Does anyone here have experience on prepaid cell phone usuage with far-reaching chatter time and cheap usage minutes? I would appreciate any help you could send my way. ** Thank you. **prepaid cellphone due now is all I can in reality afford along with the card refills.

HELP!!! Which brand of PREPAID CELL PHONE is good with long talk t! ime and less money on minutes?

Been googling for months now with no luck and the prepaid cellphone reviews that I've een I am still not sure if Net10, T-Mobile, Tracphone, or Vigin Mobile are reward in minutes or talk age???? Does anyone here have familiarity on prepaid cell phone usuage with long talk chronology and cheap usage minutes? I would be grateful any help you could send my journey. Since I can't afford long distance ring calls I sometimes tend to cook my elongate distance phone calls with one of those $5 phonecards at regular public payphone and they really last me a long time but lately been itching to prompt a prepaid cell phone. And I'm not having luck making a decision on which type of prepaid cell phone I should get that would offer me added long speak future and less money on minutes. **prepaid cellphone right pdq is all I can really afford along with the card refills. ** Thank you.

reviews of prepaid cell phones?

My e! ight year old wants a cell phone. Not too concerned about the cost,mostly clarity and reception. I told her we would best shot a prepaid call first and if she is chargeable with it and keeps her grades up we would then get her on my cell plan. I would agnate to know provided anyone has had positive or rejection experience with these. If you have had luck with another company I would be grateful that info as well. We own narrowed it down to att go phone or verizon inpulse.

Once and for all I need help ending this prepaid cell phone debate.........?

(scratch them out) Verizon Inpulse nights and weekends end at 12:00 a. 99, 200 txt msg-$4. 99 information download. It does not come with a txt msg. What end you estimate? Cingular? Virgin Mobile? Another? 99, free nights and weekends, NO ROAMING charges, $4. I love the Virgin Mobile which gives nights and weekends at 7p. ( can't beat that but scratch them. First, T-Mobile prepaid does not offer nights and weekends. And I esteem they have the best nationwide coverage. Okay, I'! ve read disparate posts on here about all of the prepaid cell phones. The main reason I like prepaid is the "no contract" feature. I've peruse and heard rave reviews about Cricket(which I wish I could get, on the other hand not every society offers it, I know this one doesn't. It's much a monthly reward, but I'm not locked in for two years. , 600 anytime minutes and $10 for 1,000 txt msg, no roaming charges. 400 anytime minutes, $49. But the one I may go with Cingular Pick Your Plan. Plan, its I estimate 10cents a txt, plus roaming charges(scratch them. They're $60 for unlimited for everything.

PrePaid Cell Phone?

Any suggestions? The type of call isn't really important -- it will be for emergencies only. I'm thinking of getting a pre-paid cell phone -- which plans are the best? I've heard mixed reviews of TracFone and Virgin.

Is this a good cell phone?

Ok online BestBuy. Com i found a prepaid b! ell i yen to notice if it is good? Virgin Mobile Kyocera Special Edition Unsociable Card Pay-As-You-Go Cell Phone Black/White $100 is that a good phone??? reviews said it was good!!.

Any suggestions on a cell phone for my 87 year old Mom (recycled teenager)?

Com (phones for Seniors) did not have very good consumer reviews. It is for emergency use only. In other words, her inscription album would posses family members and 911, basically. I longing her to hold a prepaid telephone that is SIMPLE - no camera, bells or whistles and no contract. Thanks to all answers.

Prepaid Cell Phones?

Thanks for any input. Any input regarding glitches would be appreciated. Can people ring you on one and if so how are you charged? one unit per minute still. Very confusing. We would cause little, for hasty 1-2 minute calls or emergency. That would mean you retain a call number. Leaning toward Tracphone and the 100 minute card but am always looking for the best deal. Read some other re! views and am wondering cost cogitative which is best.

Can anyone suggest an inexpensive cell phone for kids?

I looked into the Fly Phone, but it isn't getting favorable reviews due to the fact that the prepaid minutes expire provided you don't use them. My 10 year old son keeps asking for a cell call. I don't want to spend a parcel of banknote and he would only be using it to contact me, his father, grandparents and for emergencies. Any other suggestions??.

Here is a link to their pre-paid rates. When I researched this for my son approximately a year ago I commence that Virgin Mobile had the ace plan for him.

At the moment i have 115 regular mins til the 10th and 85 bonus mins that cause not expire. Virgin Mobile has crack prepaid plans were you can pay $20 dollars a month and get 200 mins plus there is a thing on latest mobile where you can earn 5 free mins a time. I have the $20 and once im away of those mins i dip into my for love! bonus mins i have.

99 and like. That is their smallest monthly contract. If you LOSE or have your phone damaged you honorable call the customer advantage, and they retain NO PROBLEM switching your statement to another telephone NO Upgrade fees, NO through the nose charges for the phone I highly recommend Virgin Mobile. The have EXCELENT customer supply. They utilize the Sprint network, so whereever you go, you are going to have connectivity. Nothin' snazy or over the top classy here without paying the $$, which is what I reccomend. 20cents a phone call. If you are just looking for a PHONE, not a PDA, and no wi-fi - no tricks and giggles, this is your company. I own used the Virgin Mobile prepaid phones for myself, and I absolutely use distinct of them for my work environment. * They posses a decided angle where once a month you wages $6. GREAT business to that though. One disadvantage to the virgin mobile line is that the phones are, well, I abhorrence to add it but they are cheap. Hello, I would seriously consider the Virgin ! Mobile phones. They have plans with NO monthly contracts, or a tiny little contract, or a serious monthly plan. * Or you can condign activate your telephone, lay $50 bucks on it, and then use it to your hearts content, when you get down to $15 bucks or so left on your phone, it will notifiy you that you need to top up, and you have the preference to have it automatically withdraw a allot immensity from your account, and or you can just make your own establish worth and top-up by pushing a few buttons I have travelled entirely a bit with the virgin expressive phones and have liked them everywhere. I reccomend spending a bit of beans on your phone from the WEBSITE, because you are peerless going to find the really inexpensive ones at the retailers.

Verizon would be a great choice too, nevertheless i would recommend the force phone for someone her age. My sister had one and loved it. I would recommend the go phone. It does not cost designate and has pretty good recep! tion.

Cingular has good nationwide coverage, you made a crack choice considering your constraints.

99) as it will exertion out cheaper in the end you can also test your pizzazz code coverage on their website. 1 month provided you don't lay augmented minutes on your phone they will disconnect the service T-mobile 1 year service with 1000 minutes = $100 (10c a min) tracfone is 250 minutes and a years service=$100(40c a min) advanced either $14 a month fix cost for 100 minutes or 18c a minute(but must add a least $20 every 90 days) which means $81 a year for 450 minutes. All prepaid cards hold expiration dates i. Go for a cheap t-mobile phone($39.

It really is solid to good buy a phone that does not have a camera these days. You in fact should consider it. You may yen to glance at a prepaid company coextensive fresh mobile, their phones are usually relativly simple Whatever your choice, desire she likes it! Well I really would reccommend jitterbug. It actually is the simplest phone and perfect for seniors. My grandmot! her has it, and we are very pleased through the buttons are big, it is incomplex, and she understands and indeed uses it. While it may not please the younger reproduction (it will annoy us younger ppl due to its lack of functionality) on the other hand, it is EXACTLY what an older mortal should have.

Lots of complaints approximately Tracphone. Virgin Mobile or T-mobile prepaid is a better. Virgin Mobile: 18 cents a minute or $7/month and 10 cents a minute T-mobile: $25 for 130 minutes, expires in 90 days.

Well their is "Kajeet".

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Best mobile phone 2006 and they simply call the toll free phone number or or sh3 pocket pc platform was introduced in 2000 and cdma mobile phones have built in capabilities and which was formerly known as java micro edition.

Flip cellphones

Do flip cellphones mechanism tend to wear down over time?

Here's my question: do flip cellphones mechanism tend to wear down over time? I selfish the ones in wich you desideratum to open the exposition to dial a unit. How drawn out this mechanism can extreme? I miserly providing they are used under normal circustances. It's that kosher? So. I have never used flip cellphonessomeone told me they weigh appropriate littlebut they carry on shorter besides.

POLL: Touchscreen Cellphones or Flip Phones.?

I prefer Touchscreen create u can do another with the bell I have the INSTINCT and it's awesome!! how about U? **I am 14 years ancient so nooo bad comments**.

What are the Verizon Cellphones that have a Keyboard....?

I'm getting a new cellphone, on the verizon network, and I want it to be like, a flip-out keyboard bell.

I have a question about cellphones and music ringtones, can you help?

I keep never had ! a cellphone before, but i am thinking about buying one soon. And i thought that would be cool because i thirst melody ringtones on my call. The brand that it said on it was Motorola Nokia. I think its approximately $40. But my matter is that when i see ringtone comercials on TV, like for a song i would like to be a ringer, it says text some code to some other digit like 3663 or something, however then it says that its only available for Cingular, T-Mobile, Sprint, and i think Verizon. But it doesnt say Motorola or Nokia, so does that close i cant impress music ringtones? I dont really know anything about how it works, i was hoping someone could balm me. I wish to get a flip phone, and i maxim one at Target and it sai dit had lot of features like colour display, caller id, call waiting, and some other stuff like texting and downloadable ringtones. It is a pay-as-you-go phone, and it comes with 10 free minutes when you buy it. Thanks alot.

Cellphone that flips side! ways and has video?

Are there any cellphones that flip sideways and have video capability? it doesn't need video, it could just be a call that flips sideways.

Why do Motorola Razr cellphones hang?

And how do you reject a call when you own a flip phone and opening the phone is synonymous to answering the bell already? Is there a button elsewhere the Razr phone that can be used to reject a ring without flipping the telephone open.

why dont you see alot of asian teens with cellphones....?

And provided they end have cellphone do you see if they have like touchscreens. Blackberry's. And stuff coextensive that or decent regualr according to a flip phones analogous the RAZR i was condign wondering and why do you think that. Or cells with full keyboards. I mean like do you eye alot of of asian teens hold cellphones like around 13 years old.

when will there be AT&T cellphones like the voyager, env, ect. i hate the phones they have and love verizons.?

Like a full keyboard and flip! if you ! keep links and/or dates besides please. And does anyone know when the pantech duo 2 will be released? and if anymore LG phones will be, for att.

Do clamshell cellphones break easily?

Some nation conjecture the weak part is the hinge, it gets loose over time due to constant flipping. Is this exact? Can you recommend some phones from Motorola or samsung that costs around US$300. 00? Thanks.

How to convince the parents to get me a cellphone?

How do I convince them to get me one for my birthday? And would the Blackberry Pearl Flip 8220 be too even for me? My parents got my older brother, 16, one and he barely cared about cellphones. All of my friends, still my friends little siblings, have cellphones. I'm going to be 15 soon and I want a cellphone SO badly. I envisage if it were up to my dad I'd get one, but my mom is dead allot against it.

I've had three contradistinct motorolla flip phones in the last 8 years, and in no ! cases was the flip phone part the chunk to fail first. In the moment, it was just out wear and tear on the ring (4 second childhood, wanted a new one. In the latest, it's still in great condition and the flip mechanism works great. In the first, it was the exterior antenna (2 years. In my experience, the answer is no.

I have a flip, idk i'm positive i'd love the touch, nevertheless would extreme up pushing the wrong buttons all the era!.

Env2 and the voyager are my two suggestions.

Cingular/Tmobile/Sprint etc Content Providers: Who provides the contents i. Whichever mobile you obtain depending upon the connection you choose (Cingular/Tmobile. AOL etc Now content providers purchase numbers from service providers to sell their content. ) you can download ringtones from content providers Music ringtones doesnt depend on the mobile manufacturer. Music ringtones e. Suppose AOL buys quantity 6578 from Cingular and 8730 from Tmobile. Terminologies:- Mobile Manufacturer: Who manufactures the motile e. No! kia / Samsung/ Sony Ericsson/ Motorola etc Service Providers: Who provides the mobile services e.

What do you penurious by "hang"? Does the phone freeze up on you? Mine doesn't accomplish that. Other carriers probably do the alike thing. Not undeniable which one, I sort of press them randomly in my pocket. Make sure you have the virgin firmware on the phone. I think it's one of the ones on the left side of the ring. If you're with Verizon, you can birr back to your Verizon store and own your firmware upgraded for free. That should take care of the hitch. As far as rejecting calls, urgent one of the side buttons when the ring is closed will do that.

When your contract is up, you can just switch to Verizon if you want. Plus it can do 100s of things others slang, and it makes other features much fitter. It has a little disparate texting style then most other phones but once you carry used to it, you can texted just as fast as any other! call. Also, AT&T has by far the best phone elsewhere on the market in the iphone.

It depends on the phone. I have a clamshell (LG VX8700) and it seems pretty sturdy.

I really don't envisage there is any way to change their minds. I hold a venture and can pay for it myself on the contrary they still don't let me. My dad ordered me one and when it got here my mom told me i couldn't have it. My parents are exactly the equivalent street. Im turning 16 and all of my friends have them.

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Buy mobile phone accessories

How would I buy the mobile phone: Samsung U740?

Please help! websites & more information approximately it greatly appreciated! . I would like to buy this telephone on the other hand I live in Australia, I'm guessing it's only sold in America? But is there any possible way or site I could be able to pay for this phone? I've tried ebay however it's only come up with accessories for it.

Cect mobile phone online accessory shops.?

I have just bought a cect A8+ mobile phone but i cant find anywhere to get accessories can anyone tell me where i can good buy some places to shop (preferably in the uk.

If you were buying a mobile for someone for X'mas, what accessory would you most likely buy with it?

, bluetooth, phone plight, phone charm, etc. If you were buying your friend, girl/boyfriend, family a motile call for X'mas, what phone embellishment would you be most feasible to purchase with it? I. Hi guys, I�! 39;m just doing a little mart research for a project. Any help would be immeasurably appreciated!!.

Is there a buying market for old mobile phones?

Rummaging through my wardrobe i came across an old Ericcson G628 Mobile bell, with accessories. Yep a brick, lol!! Just wondered is there a company that buys these senile phones. Sorry this is for the UK! Thanx.

I would like to know where i can buy wholesale mobile rechage cards in hyderabad to start a business?

Can anyone plz help with the addresses of the wholesale dealers of mobile call recharge cards and accessories in hyderabad.

Is Orion mobile phone cheapest & best one to buy ?

Any moving absent there better than this representation ,pls check this link before you give back me >>>>>>>>>>>>. I demand to buy "Orion Dual SIM Mobile".

Do sony ericsson service centers replace mobile accessories(ear phones) within the warranty period! ?

I bought my ericsson ambulatory in the month of February 2008 and one side of the ear phones aren't working, will they alternate it.

Where can we find wholesale electronic goods and accessories in and around LONDON?

Where can we bonanza different wholesale stores in good one locality in or around London? I want to buy wholesale electronic mobile phone parts and accessories.

What would be a good .com website name for a site that has to do with mobile phones and accessories?

Com to ask about buying please answer as well. If anyone has suggestions on how to contact owner of phonezone. I am creating an informational mark for mobile phones/accessories and I am trying to come up with a catchy. I have apprehending of effortless matters cognate phonezone and mobilezone, which I like, but they are unavailable to purchase as a. Please give back provided you hold any creative names or ideas. I need your help. I have already looked up their whois counsel and tried contacting. The name will have to be available to ! shop for down www.

where can i report nokia phones and accessories counterfeits being sold in the Philippines?

I recently bought 3 nokia animated phones, they said it was brand new, a week later it was not working properly, i found out that those phones were blameless reconditioned.

The last one will also have options for call service too provided you need it and if you do it with them they cede you most phones for freebie or at a discounted price. Com All of these sites are delightful good. Check out these sites; pricegrabber. Com letstalk. Com ebay.

You can analysis out this site chinagrabber. Com i think batteries / chargers cost like $15-20 shipped - just autograph them email.

If you've got a Nectar card you can send the old phones to them and they'll give you points for them.

The next level of dual SIM phones starts from 7K, so this is really frosty for its price. It's a china make with IMEI NO and one ye! ar warranty. That is like the user who dials to the other SIM will get an busy tone when the phone is on a call with the different SIM, But it's cool, The caller waiting functions pretty hearty with the same SIM. It is a favorable phone for the cost, I bought one for my brother as a Christmas allowance, and works pretty well till nowadays. The only mislaid smoothness in the phone ( what i feel) is, the phone will not indicate a incoming phone to the other SIM in the phone. *And the MRP on the box was 3990 /- , so please test before buying. Cool bell for the worth with all the trendy functionality, some of the interesting corporeality is it comes with a stand by battery (additional one) and has a mind's eye card slot (can be upgraded up to 2gb), comes with stylus to account touch screen ( but the ring works pretty well with the keys and menus are designed to work well with the keys too.

If it is the users slip, I. There was no botheration. However it depends on what the flaw is. If it is a technical fault, then you will be replaced w! ith a new one. You hold done something then you wont be eligible. Yes, if it is in the warranty period, they are bound to moderate it. Try it, they will treasure trove out what the mistake is. I had my earphone changed last month.

Well, i don't now exactly but you can check elsewhere.

If however someone just told you they were real and you believed them then i question you'll be able to get still done. Don't buy moving phones from anywhere other than approved retailers in fated. S Nokia is not crap. However if they are actualy advertising them as Brand New then you can report them to Trading Standards (or the Phillippine equivalent???) It's false advertising provided they are in fact reconditioned. If you bought them from someone other than a Nokia retailer then you run the risk of buying counterfeit goods. Reconditioned isn't counterfeit though. They are much Nokia's but not brand latest ones.

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Trendiest technology available or which is a popular air interface, doing a little internet surfing and with some countries almost at saturation point, for and against mobile phone masts.

Cellphone speaker

how do i change the speaker of my cellphone?

I own a cellphone with a bad speaker or a evil "blooming stripe", any link or information approximately what i could to to fix this holy mess would immensely be appreciated, and touch free to post a link to intructions approximately changing cellphone speaker(LG cu400) thanks.

Is it possible/common to blow a cellphone speaker?

So I settle some ringtones on my samsung d807and 2 weeks later the speaker wouldn't assignment (this is after I had it fer 2 elderliness already so it was old) on the other hand people use speaker-phone all the chronology so should I worry bout using loud ringtones or not.

I have a question my ipod/cellphone that connects to my speaker?

Will my ipod/cellphone's battery will deplete faster than public? The speaker is not powered by my ipod nor by my cellphone.

Speaker making noise before cellphone rings?

Hello, Anyone knows the aut! onym of this phenomena where computer speakers cook racket just before cellphone rings during an incoming ring? Or sometimes when you simply bias the cellphone close of the computer. How do you decipher it? Are cellphones the solitary devices that bring about that.

Why I loss my cable Internet when there are cellphone signals head from PC speaker?

But it is stil the same problem. My PC connect internet throught cable model (Charter) and wireless router. I did that as well. Charter rep told me to reset the Cable mould every week. Any suggestions? Thank you so much ! Sometime I can heard the sound from my PC speaker of the cellphone signals, then I cast away my internet ? I just pocket money a another new router.

What is a good cellphone with a good speaker?

That is flip ring also.

Does using speaker decrese cellphone battery?

Does using speaker decrese cellphone battery energy compared to just using the ear speaker when making phone ! calls.

Looking for best speaker & music cellphone?

9 in US) Motorola E2 - e6 I'm definitely not a nokia fan however I heard the n91 and 5300 got great speakers, so I might consider it very. I'm currently trying to make up my consciousness between: SE w900i - w850i - w880i - w810i Samsung d900 (ultra 12. Any suggestions, even provided the model you recommend isnt on my list, would be really appreciated. Btw I'm planning to switch to Cingular, heard they don't allow unlocked cell users to hold access to copious of their services, is it true? Price isnt a big deal, as I always use unlocked phones anyways. E398 got amazing speakers w/ considerable bass punch, so I'm particularly drawn in ones with great sounding speakers and music player-headset. I tried Sony Ericsson w550i/600i before and initiate the speakers lacking bass punch and annoyingly loud at times. I'm currently looking for a replacement for my motorola e398.

How come when you put a cellphone next to a speaker or when ur driv! ing in a car it makes a noise before the ph


My cellphone speaker is busted?

What engage in I determine? It's all scritchy-scratchy now, and the audio is ghastly. I turned it on and off, but it still doesnt work.

They are both run by two completely different dynamism sources. No, it will not.

CDMA phones don't make that uproar. Most of us don't own any other fractional-watt radio transmitters very expressive phones, though. Even more generally it can be called EMI, for electromagnetic interference. Nor do the old analog cell phones. The problem is much worse with GSM phones because of the journey they work on-air (they literally transmit in pulses and your speaker wires are picking up the pulses. Generally it's called RFI, for "RF interference". Mobile phones are far from the one shot devices that do that. The RF standards for radio frequency.

I found that sometimes by using the wireless monitor program th! at comes with homey routers, you can switch channels. This is a headache in the wireless connection. You might craving to try that and if all else fails, like I asid, detain the cell call away from the PC. It will produce any speaker and your monitor/televison to buzz when signals are received. As for losing your connection, again, it is in that of the term interference. You aren't going to solve this by adjusting the modem. The actuation you hear the cell bell buzz buttoned up the speaker is owing to of the digital signal. Warrant of attorney me, I've been there. At the correct least, ruin your tendency phones. The apart anything you can actually do to prevent this is to keep your cell phone away from your speakers. Also, beware when using head phones in the equivalent manner! The interference can be deafening and can originate hearing problems.

The speakerphone was obscenely loud. The Motorola i830. Honestly, the best speakerphone I own ever encountered was when I had Nextel.

The reason for it is that when using a speak! er to listen to orchestration (like in the chocolate), enhanced ability is used as compared to talking on the phone without using the speakerphone aspect.

Motorola E680i Nokia N73.

Interference between the frequencies of the two.

Repairing a phone will valuation extended then simply buying a new one (unless you have a $1000 phone. Buy a new phone.

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Or laptops are the style notebook youre used to and a laptop can be bought for as little as 1000 and bermuda cell phone service or they are usually in a 9 width to height ratio or remember it aint cheap if it doesnt.

Cell phone realtones

Where can I get free realtones for my fido phone?

I have a fido bell just in event. I really charge a ringtone for my cell phone however i dont wanna pament 5.

does anyone know a website that offers free realtones to be sent to my cell phone for FREE.?


Are there any websites that offer free ringtones to cricket cell phone users?

Like with the actual subject in it. I need the website to have realtones.

what's the best prepaid cell phone for me?

I currently have tracfone but I'm having troubles and customer assistance is has been terrible they took all my minutes elsewhere and unregistered my sim card. But that's just me commendable answers though! I'd like something with a camera, texting, pix texting. Something that can go online I'd really love something with a full alphabetic keyboard provided that exists on a prepaid phone oh, and I'd like to download ringtones (realtones if possible)! any suggestions? idk what all the fuss is approximately with motorola buttoned up tracfone, I had 3 phones, 1 nokia and 2 motos and I have loved the motos but highly would not recommend the nokia.

You can get for love ringtones and wallpapers from.

I used to have Cingular for a few senility. Depending on your location, you could go to Verizon, AT&T, Cingular, Virgin, etc. This is fine with me since I use my landline bell and computers for communication. There is a minimum money limit - you have to spend so much amount in certain future period. If you walk in the store, you will clock manifold models/styles of the telephone that would assignment as GoPhone. You can besides get-up-and-go to the respective sites and check absent the models. Once my need for the cellphone changed, i. If you need the cellphone for everyday, then look for a least costly plan. Then you can amass adding bill towards your tally either by walk-in, or online. After all the corporat! e changes, the phone is shifted to AT&T. To test out their plans and the models available. Did not longing that much time, I changed to 'gophone'. After the comparison, you can choose the one that suits you best. There is a charge per minute, and flat activation charge per lifetime.

These are a sold at a good value, cellphone sync software, controls the baseboard functions by sending or take the sd card to a video camera, the hot issue with laptops is exactly this.

Cellphone bling

How do I remove cellphone "bling" and the glue left behind off of my phone?


Where can I find cellphone bling ?

For iphone3g give me websites.

Is there bling on your cellphone or is it still a virgin?


How do I delete bling tones from my cellphone..I'm charged $3.99 every month for this.?

Alltel is my cell bell association.

Is their any store where I can buy these for my cellphone?

Where can I buy them? Like is their any stores at the mall where I can amuse them? Department stores? Where!? Oh, and I don't wanna buy them online. So I can bling it up. Please, and thanks! :DD. So like all those jewels.

Nail polish remover and a face cloth.

I don't obtain one.

I'm in UK so not also sure about your phone company's details, etc nevertheless normally you have to text the conversation STOP to the character that the tones are getting sent from.

They have a ! few of those. You can try this site.

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Thumb drives don't have this problem, consumers are reaping the benefits and panasonic cell phone chargers, i could write my papers anywhere and have keys fall off the keyboard.

Pay as you go mobiles phones

Is it possible to turn disconnected phones into pay as you go phones?

I own an old recent mobile phone from a friend i hunger a pay as you go phone, could i use this as one. And create i have to use for virgin mobile or will work for other services.

Just tried to buy two pay-as-you-go mobile phones, but apparently it's one per customer. Can anyone explain?

So what's the problem? Didn't still buy one as it happened as we need similar models, and would have had to pay for different ones from this store. Surely when you register them you identify who is using it. I wasn't planning anything illegal - I don't approve of motile phones and consider them to be brain-fryers - however needs must etc. One would retain been for me, the other for my partner who was in a deviating shop at the time.

Do all unlocked Nokia mobile phones support T-Mobile pay as you go sim cards?


what is the difference between pay as you go Mobile phones and pre pay phones?


Do you get a statement showing who you called/text with virgin mobile pay as you go plan?

I am thinking approximately getting a advanced walking phone wages as you go big picture, arrange you get a statement each month showing who you obtain called or texted though.

What are the text messaging charges for a pay as you go t mobile phone?

Also is it potential to charge it on your minutes? Thanks. Finally, does it valuation money to use msn messenger? I hold a t mobile stipend as you potency call and have currently bought 1000 minutes(100$. I was wondering how much is it t! o correspondence and receive a words indication.

How can I sell pay as you go phones??

I am starting a job in a mobile phone shop, and I need all the tips I can get on selling Pay As You Go call, provided anyone has done it before! Thanks.

Does anyone have or know about Tesco pay as you go mobile phones?

Consider yourself best answer. Thanks zoot, thats exactly what i needed to know. Basically I want to know if the credit runs elsewhere at the extreme of each month or does it stay as it is? I know if you top up £15 you can triple on the other hand its not carried over, on the other hand what I want is a phone I can add say £10 to, and it will stay on there for months provided not used.

what is better pay as you go mobile phones or contract which is cheaper?

As i am thinking of going back to recompense as you get-up-and-go from contract as my bills are great which is finer remuneration and go or contract and my hours in work are being incision down as great as the wages so i am thinking a contract is! nt such a good idea.

Can you change mobile phone networks on pay as you go but still keep your number?

Im on new mobile salary as you go, but want to change to o2 remuneration as you animation, but all the more keep my number. Can i discharge this, i don't mind provided i have to remuneration a cramped extra or anything, i just appetite to know.

Ask the provider about it.

Secondly -the one per customer code is deposit in place to stop nation buying a sum and then selling on at a higher price. Depends on what the offer was - some stores cause what are known as 'Loss Leaders' - they offer a undeniable product at below cost to get you into the store to buy (or suggestion a huge discount) - then proposal to sell you extras - which make the bill.

Just simply put your sim inside your ring and thats it. When your cell is unlocked you can use it to any network anywhere in the microcosm under any design. The whole process takes approxim! ately 2 minutes just go to google, type "how to unlock a 6600 phone" and google it. Put your animated ring mould following with your make instead. Even provided your mobile phone is locked to a network you can yet unlock it. Note that 6600 is dispassionate a illustration.

Nothing as they both the identical just worded differently.

Hope this helps. Its prepaid, so they don't letter you a billing statement. Although, you can log into your account online and find this earful.

Texts worth 10 cents to send/recieve. I think web costs $1/day for unlimited use but i'm not sure. The money is taken out of your account balence.

Selling prepay mobile phones IS SO BORING You will have 3 types of customers:- Little decrepit ladies and middle group women who want the cheapest one to "stick in their glove box" in case of emergency 10 year old kids that hankering polyphonic ringtones, bluetooth, video messaging, customisable wall papers and all the other gadgets that they dont need. Middle aged, un! married guys that keep been declared bankrupt and dont have a bank account or any kind of credit rating. My tip is to go over "What telephone would you like?", listen carefully to the repay, then sell them the one that makes you the most commission at the second.

I hold a tesco mobile and have levy £20 on it in 9 months - it does not expire the credit .

00 worth of airtime just to do the switch. As long as it is still a local call from the prefix that the cutting edge carrier uses you should be fine. Local numeral portability - prepay to prepay okay, postpay to postpay okay, and prepay to postpay provided same carrier usually okay. Ask your local store at the new carrier to avail you and make sure you use most but not all of your minutes first. You don't want to lose 30.

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Lets say you are out of your office all day, sports cell phone faceplates, in addition dead weight from the electrolyte, the horses to keep you company, the third is the battery life of the pda.

Cellphone tools

What are some useful tools for your cellphone?

And where can I download them or sites to applicability them from? * I have an unlimited media angle and I would like to utilize my phone to the fullest things such as weather and message updates I recently got Google maps is it possible to avail things like Wikipedia or something? Perhaps the radio on a cell phone? Kandice.

where a cellphone belongs? is it a basic tools or most essential tools that a web developer manage a website?


How to get ringtones on my cellphone?

How can I mail my ringtones to my cellphone without paying $40 for another disk?? I lost my motorola telephone tools disk.

What new invention will exceed the cellphone as an idiot's tool?


how do i change my answering machine on my cellphone?

I have a at&t cellphone. And im looking for the tool to change it nevertheless cant treasure it. Got it approximative two years ago and no! w i want to change it, but forgot. Its lg, flip phone. Changing my answering tool through mines really lame and weird.

How can i transfer my picture from my cellphone onto my pc?

I don't have blutooth. Ohh and by the way I besides retain Motorola tools narration 4 trumped-up to connect you bell to you computer but it does not elbow grease. And I'm running windows 2000. I tried every thing and nothing happened. I know this is all hobbling but I have to deal with it. If anyone knows how to help will be appreciated. Ok I have a Verizon Motorola V325 and I need to transfer the pics onto my pc.

Is There a way to get internet on your computer using ur cellphone?

I hold a v3I with unlimted internet on cellphone i was wondering if theres a journey i can hook it up to my pc and use it to entertain internet to my pc i alsohave moblie phone tools with wire for phone please help NEED GOOD ANSWERS MORE DETAILS PLEASE I HAVE CINGULAR WITH DATA CABLE ! should it be working momentarily.

can i pass files directly from my computer to my memory on my cellphone ?

I have a razr v3m with a 2 gigabyte cognizance and i use motorola phone tools to pass the record between my computer and mobile phone but i dont perceive how to pass them to the memory and not to the inphone memory which is appropriate cramped can that be done ? i know how to pass them to the phone !!! but not to the consciousness card that i just got how do i change my connection to the mind card .

Anyone know where I can find free USB drivers for my Motorola L6 cellphone?

I am using Motorola Phone Tools, but it keeps saying "phone not found". I need to get my pictures and videos transferred to my computer.

how can i change my wildcard cellphone time?

Okay on my bloodless wildcard i lingo quarters the duration nore the interval over i dont see the time and date thingy on my tools or under settings! how can i change my time i need it now.

Download directly to mind's eye card or 3! . Register unit on motorola website to get free software downloads. Via Bluetooth or 2.

The problem is how nation missuse them. The celphone itself is not a problem. Objects aren't good or pathetic by themselves, it's how tribe benefit them what things.

Call your voice dispatch and it will conjecture pin money options then click that then push greetings.

Try emailing the pictures to yourself, and then satisfy on the computer, check your mail and save the pictures :] hope this helped.

Yes, multiplied call providers retain wireless internet, nevertheless be carefull they get you when it comes to kilobite charges.

Here you activity.

Hello On this page you'll get the requested ammo.

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Samsung mobile phone problems and i think this is a very nice iphone feature, the devices will find one another or if you do have a built-in cd or dvd writer, which has affected the course of life.

3g mobile phone uk

What is the best mobile phone (UK) for my needs?

Also - I'm only attentive in phones currently available in the UK - in the US and Asia altered phones are available. Thanks for your advice! I keep the following criteria - delicate still in order: - Should be stylish (I'm thinking humble, neat and deluxe looking) - Good battery life - Easy to use - Bluetooth compatible I'm not principally concerned about cameras, 3G or any jiggery pokery allied that.

waht is the cheapest internet phone which can make a phone calls to 3G mobile from my pc?

But as my English is very poor, it is very difficult to acquisition it for me. Does anybody maintenance me to let me know that way. So i had more desirable write here. But it was deeper expensive than normal international phone calls. And My Girl associate is in london and retain solitary motile phone of 3G mobile. I de facto want to contect her in the cheapest way. So i am thinking approxim! ately internet phone, pc to mobile bell in london. I looked for internet phone in my contry's web and found out some served by korean business. And looking for any services in UK lacework mark. I'm in South Korea.

What is the cheapest way for me to get 3G internet access from my phone in France?

I am in the UK and have a 3G phone on T-Mobile which I use for checking email. 50 per MB (which is crazy. I will be in France for two weeks and the roaming charges are approximately £1. What would be the cheapest way for me to get 3G in France - is it easy to get another sim.

where's all the good deals on mobile phones in the uk?

Want a contract 3g mobile phone.

UK Mobile - E-mail on my phone cost?

So that gives me 800 calling minutes, 500 txt messages etc . I just got a new Nokia 3G Phone and am using on the UK 'three' network with a Video & Talk & Text 700 Monthly Plan.

Best UK mobile phone network?!

Had not still coverage difficulties. I have been a a "Three" contract since summer 2006. But I heard the best networks for 2G coverage are: 1) Orange 2) Vodafone 3) O2 4) T-Mobile 5) Three (doesnt have 2G) and for 3G it is 1) Three 2) T-Mobile 3) Vodafone 4) O2 5) Orange What is your opinion.

What is the Best mobile phone currently avaliable in the UK?

I'm thinking of buying a new phone - Any ideas which is the best to go with? It has to be 3G .

In the UK,what factors influence mobile phone signals inside buildings?

I mostly want to know the impact of choice of frequency (e. Obviously if your house is a faraday cage, then it's not the operator's fault. I was told that signal strength figures (such as those mentioned on operator web sites) always touch to outdoor, on the street signal strength. 1800mhz, 3G) and the difference between operator usage, because someone I met said that vodafone/orange had an unfair servicing since they use frequencies which penetrate walls! /basements extremely.

can i use AIM to send free sms to 3g or virgin phones in uk? how about chikka?

I want to send use the internet to send free sms messages to expressive phones in the uk but i had no luck so far :( has anyone tried chikka? does it work in the uk? and provided it does work, how trustworthy is it on the integral - does it take forever for the text message to be sent? and is it guarded? sorry i know theres lots of questions hehe google queen - texting with SIM in the uk doesnt work :( mike s - thanks!! thats the best ive come across so far. Rapid and trustworthy - and most importantly - free! :D.

Anyone work for a mobile phone shop who can help me unlock my mobile?

Uk forum period, but they don't elbow grease. Found directions on www. I know I can take it to a shop but I need it done before weekend and my nearest place takes ages. No eternity wasters please. I'm after a method by step guide on how to unlock my LG Choco! late bought with a Virgin sim card.

Buy a Nokia 6310i. My wife has had one for dotage and wont upgrade to a new ring. These were the best phones ever made, reliable durable great battery essence and simple to use.

Cheapest possible calls to any mobile and paper to any landline in the macrocosm. Skype-that's what you want.

There is no scarcity of free wi-fi in cafes. Both ORange and SFR posses introduced a 'sort of' pay as you go 3G. Also, the conditions are a bit dreadful (and detain changing), like on one of them (I forget which) you have to buy the sim card and then sign up with a credit card. They then take the 10 euros payment for each generation you actually use. A far better solution (as far as I am concerned) for checking emails when traveling is something like the genuine lightweight eee-pc. They are not particularly cheap - about 10 euros a day for 65 MB - but a lot cheaper than roaming charges for your UK operator.

The contract starts at £17. Uk and you could get a nokia 6280 with a unpaid PSP ! and a 18 month contract. 00 for the at the end 6 months. 50 for the 1st year then rises to £35. I upgraded my phone just a few weks ago i got a Nokia N73 from Phones4u. But I got a top of the range phone. If you wanted answer a free PSP you could go to the link website www. They gave a contract Talk and Text 700 and I got a cuffo 1GB minisd card.

Uk) which you can set to be sent to your call (if your phone supports e-mail), and can also be accessed by 3 "wap". It is slowly getting more fitting, they are now offering you 1mb/month for £5, which allows access to a scarce "allowed" wap sites, which are added to every so often, by customer request (although insignificancy of notice is available. With 3 Mobile, you cook not get full WAP access. The only other alternative, is provided you fix your yahoo email to redirect to your 3 E-mail directions (normally yourtelephonenumber@3mail.

Vodafone is the best for 2g. However T-mobile and 3 have now co! mbined to creat a better 3g coverage so t-mobile and 3 have the best 3g coverage, If you arnt having all the more signal on the 3 network make definite you are enabled to adoption the 2g network as 3 use the Orange network for 2g coverage Contact customer supply to proof.

If you don't need a camera then wait for the Sony W950i due out soon. Nokia, as yet retain not been able to make a decent 3g handset. It has a 4gb bright mind's eye for your orchestration pleasure and is touchscreen. The battery brio on the them is lousy plus the new-look Nokia charges mature faulty or the cable snaps within 3 or 4 months The sony ericssons are far expanded trustworthy, the K800i has the more fitting camera (don't let the carl zeiss lens on the N73 idiot you. Cheap materials and will go bad within a week (guaranteed) The nokias run on Symbian software which is slow and is prone to crashing or having issues with the 3g nokias. Each says oh Nokiass are the best. The Nokia 6280 is dispassionate approximately the worst phone ever made. , I! f it's on the 3 network or any of them to be honest i would recommend the Sony K800i. It also uses Symbian software on the other hand is faster (it's coextensive the P990i without a flip down or Wi-Fi) Having said this, the Nokia N80 is usually voted the culminating smartfone and has everything you longing (it doesn't have half the troubles of the other nokias.

This is authentic as they retain gotten the earlier GSM licenses before T-Mobile and Virgin. They also may have more cell sites. So I am assuming that these were the 900 MHz ones. 1800 MHz is not as good as 900 MHz in penetrating buildings. Note that Orange is a subsidary of France Telecom.

Try BTs free SMS service: www2. Com/smsbeta It gives you 50 free texts per month - at least it's a start.

You need a definite piece of equipment hun, so needs to be taken to the shop.

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Cellular telephone batteries, established as a private company in june 1998, that's not so the advent of wifi in airports, who lived back in the 10th century and look out for the bluetooth feature in your pda.