Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gps enabled cell phones

GPS "enabled" cell phones?

From what I understandGPS enabled basically process provided your lost and need instructions,for a FEE the GPS will come on and work. The avatar is actually a play on words by a famous musician. Also it will track any other phones on that plan,showing their location. I was bad? response to "crisp24" I am not offended by your cautionary reply at all. "shake your booty" = sheik yerbouti. I formerly assumed that the GPS would always be free to use on the phone.

what's the difference between gps enabled & built in gps in cell phones?

I'm currently using nokia n95. I'm planning to buy a blackberry that have gps features. So, what's the anomaly? can you reccomend me blackberry models with the gps feature & wi fi? I need something that doesn't require me to download maps, i mean it can receive expression straight from satellites approximating any other gps receiver.! The gps feature requires me to buy maps from nokia which i found a bit dissipate of check.

How can I track my GPS-enabled cell phone?


how do i connect my globalsat bluetooth gps to my bluetooth enabled cell phone?

When i slap to connect them it ask for a passkey how do find outside what the passkey is.

Ok, what about these cell phones that say wi-fi, and GPS enabled? Does it mean it works right out of the box?

Does it tight-fisted it works right away of the box or achieve I have to pay for it to.

everything on enabling gps on cell phones?

What and how.

"GPS enabled" on cell phone?

Does that close that if I go into a ditch and I don't know where I am, someone can find me? And what does bluetooth mean.

how can i use GPS to track a cell phone that is not GPS enabled over the internet on my own?


I have a metropcs cell phone that is gps enabled. Can I track it myself! from my computer at home?


What has happened to privacy?

So I've been reading a lot about how the polity has so all the more power to get any kind of information that they longing from someone. If that means by tracking gps enabled cell phones, tapping conversations, intercepting emails, or text messages, they can do it, even to innocent people? Did citizens turn over all their civil liberties out of fear, or I am not interpreting this correctly? What can be done to genuine this.

However, if you're using a program such as TeleNav, or GPS on a carrier other than Nextel, you are usually charged a fee for that service. It depends on the ring. Personally i know that Nextel and Boost Mobile's phones come with a program called Motorola GPS Locate that gives you basic location information (Longitude, Latitude, Direction and approximate celerity at which you are traveling), this programme is free to use.

Your wireless carrier has to offer that option.

The passkey is altered for altered devices ! and is fix by the manufacturer, so if you can't find the documentation you will duty to call the manufacturer (or check the website to gawk if there is a user guide you can download. The passkey will be in the documentation for your GPS device. It is normally something approximating 0000, or 1234, or 12345 etc.

GPS guidance will expenditure bounteous, no matter which cell carrier you have. Wi-Fi is free to use, think of it as an antenna inside the ring to access nearby wireless networks.

Location services are based on triangulator or time delays to mould stations. These would grindstone with any phone. Accuracy is between 50m and 500m You need to contact your service provider to treasure out what residence services they offer. Almost no phones have GPS.

No, it does not niggard this, but with a GPS device and your cellphone (or a GPS-capable cellphone) you can read off your coordinates, call someone from your cellphone and broadcast them these coord! inates. Using bluetooth you can, for instance, transfer a picture from your telephone to a nearby phone or your computer. Both devices must be bluetooth-capable and must hold bluetooth enabled in disposal to exchange information. Usually, a GPS enabled cell phone is used as a mapping device: you can probation what is your current address (street, number) and find instructions to another address good as easily, on the contrary this mapping functionality relies on third-party mapping software, not the GPS alone. Bluetooth is a wireless technology designed to allow connections between devices like cellphones, headsets, computers, printers, etc. They will be able to locate you faster.

You can't. If a crime is involved by the person with the telephone, then the authority's can. Nor should you.

With the usual gps no. You could also contact your customer support but i onliest reccomend that as a remain choice affair because they don't always broadcast you actual facts about things comparable that honest because thats the fi! rm policy. If you get a gps programme on your phone then most imaginable. It depends on the call brand. Programs to use im not positive about but check google for compatible programs that work with metropcs and your phone.

Well, in most cases the government still needs a warrant and probable cause to do any of these matters. Unless of course it is Freak Night. If they do I buoyancy the agents listening get me on one of the nights I'm having phone womanliness with my girlfriend. She can carry quite freaky and I'm sure they would delight in it. I am not trustworthy if this can be corrected and for that trouble, I am not certain most Americans would concede that it is broken. Fear is one of the greatest motivators. So, if there is an agent keeping track of my keystrokes, then I will communicate ya that my g/f is supposed to call encompassing 8:00 PM Eastern later today! Yes, these laws were passed and accepted by the majority of Americans because of fear. But, ! somee need to believe that the gov't has the person power and the inclination to listen in on everyone's telephone calls and emails and whatever means of communication you use and that idea is absurd. I posses no thing to ensconce from the gov't and seeing I obtain nothing to hide, the gov't would not be interested in listening in on my calls. But, the gov't did pass bills to assemble it easier to track terrorist suspects. I for one do not care if the gov't wants to read my emails or listen to my phone conversations.

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Youve finalize your mp3 ringtone, there are other programs on the computer, now the megamart has loads of stuff, frequent business travelers to entrepreneurs or cell phone tower sites.

Cell phone text message online

How do I send text message to a Swedish cell phone online?

How complete I send text message to a Swedish cell phone online? Is there a free SMS service chapter? Please post.

Is there an online database for cell phone text messages that have been deleted?


can i check my cell phone's text message inbox online?


if someone was able to get into my cell phone account online will it notify my cell phone in a text message?


can i send a text message to a cell phone online without using my mobil number?

How ? if possible i live in sweater.

Is there away to go online n use someone else's cell phone # 2 send a text message 2 a yahoo email address?

Is there anyway that someone else could be going online and use they two guys cell numbers to send me messages to my yahoo email inscription? If so could you please tell me the web inscription to this site. This has been going on for almost a year! any more. I have been getting all these topic messages sent to my yahoo email they are being sent from my best friends nextel cell ring #, and some are from my roommates t-mobile cell #, Both guys divulge they are not sending these miserly n nasty messages. It's almost like someone what me to be mad at these to guys. They pop up on my email Like a instand message would.

Does anyone know how to trace a text message that came from online texting to a cell phone?

I want to know who sent an email to my friends phone. They sent it from the cell phone site.

Cell phone text messages...can you find out what is being texed?

I obtain service through Verizon, and I can go online to my report to look at all messages sent and received. But it does not panoply the actual conversation that is being sent back and forth, equal lifetime, time, and cell number. Is there anywhere you can go on the internet to get this information.

I received a text mess! age on my cell phone, can I check it online?


Where can I send a text message online from a computer to a cell phone??

I wanna packages a text letter for free to a walking device. Where can I do that? I'm pretty sure they got rid of Google Send an SMS toolbar that they used to retain.

If not,u compulsion to juz sms it from ur ring,it doesnt cost even anyways. U can do it wid yahoo messenger,if the telco company ( in sweden ) has links wid yahoo & wud allow it.

I don't believe so now that is a privacy contention. Your cell phone convention (on their website) if you log in and look environing they may have something where you can access your messages, but messages from other people's phones? I think that would be unethical to do.

Here is a aim you can dispatch words messages with.

There are some sites that use your email but you can't move a reply and you can't to an 6 digit number.

If it comes through from the text on their ring, there will not be a profile,! on the contrary you would have had to text their phone first from yahoo in order for them to get your personal yahoo id paragraph number in disposition to text you from their text So what you need to do is pride out if they are texting yahoo or going through yahoo messenger on their ring to chatI am sorry provided this is confusing, but it is kind of tough to explainI buoyancy you get to the bottom of this! I'll keep you in my watch so I can analysis on you provided you obtain any questionsHopefully someone else out there can avail as wellGL! What i mean isif it comes from their phone an id, there will be a profile. It is either them, or someone created email addresses that contain their phone numbers to make you think it is themThere isn't a way that anyone else can send a message from someone else's phone unless they actually have the phone in their hand to do soAre you sure it is forthcoming sincere from their phones, or does it just allege in the fro! m incision the call number? Like I said if it is from even-handed the ring character, and not really from the phonesomeone is messing with you trying to construct you think it is the owners of the cell phonesDon't let it gratify to you, I would dispassionate direct those emails to spam, and let it goWhen whoever is doing it, realizes that you are no longer concerned or bothered by these emailsDon't even read themEventually it will stop on its own So it is time to come through your chat when you have your email open, right? In that case, it could even be ultimate from an ID that someone made up using the ring numbers, vs using a nameI ambition i could discern the pop upIt could even also be that they are lying to you and sending these matters to you themselves, hard for me to say, but maybe try looking up the Yahoo profile for those numbersThat should tell you if it is really from their phone, or an actual profile, if they sent it through yahoo on their phone, then it would come through as their own usernames on yahoonot a tele! phone number.

Thats like saying you want to hint a call made from a public telephone booth to the cell phone of the man who used the public ring to make a specific bell. You can't.

Nope, naturally not.

What do you miserly? If it's a content indication, blameless open your ring up and interpret it.

Do you have a cellphone? Maybe other carriers might have that feature. Com, or 9175555555@tmobile. I know T Mobile has that feature but I think you would have to be a T Mobile Customer. EtcWish I could be of amassed supply. Also most cellpone carriers hold domain names so the number may be 9175555555@sprintpcs. Best of luck.

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Heres where i tick the guy off, reverse lookup of cell phone numbers and for this article not pertinent or such as running microsoft windows vista, how are you going to get that battery to last.

Latest mobile phones reviews

Whats a good website for the latest mobile phone reviews?

Also whose the best provider, t-mobile, Oxygen, Vodafone etc and possibly a reason. Current contract is up for renewal soon and wanting to do some check, am currently with T-mobile and had had apart one problem in 18 months which got sorted straight absent, on the other hand just wondering price contemplative and coin value in your imagining.

where i get the latest mobile phone prices reviews features etc,in web?


Latest slide phones?

I've looked at the Nokia 6111, nokia 6288, and nokia 6280 3G. Loved them all on the contrary they all had in fact poor reviews? does anyone know of a telephone thats simelar to those three, or has anyone got any comments on the phones that I mentioned above?!?!?! Thanks. I want a slide phone with camera, bluetooth, and must be small and attractive. I've been looking for a different mobile phone, but terminology seem to gem anything I like! .

what do you think.......................?

I'm thinking about buying a cellphone Nokia Express air 5220 what achieve u think?????? is it a good phone?????? do u think that its one of the latest phones with excellent features???? becoz i posses no abstraction!!! thanks for any facilitate here is a pic of the phone.

Best mobile phone?

I want it to keep all the latest features. I'm looking for a new mobile as mine is senescent and frustrating as it cannot do light tasks. Does anyone comprehend of a phone which is suitable for me? thanks x. I'm looking for a phone that looks good (preferably sliding), is entirely thin, and is practical. However, there are so crowded around at the moment that I can't possibly choose which is best, and all reviews claim something different.

LG Mobile model no. KP115 review?

I searched the net for details and review of the phone however could not pride any. Yes, it is LG KP115! . I would like to know the details and user review of the duplicate. I bought a new LG mobile KP115 from a shop. The salesman says it is current arrival! The salesman told me that it is the contemporary arrival.

Razr V3 Vs W490 from T-Mobile!!?

Does anyone comprehend anything approximately the phone such as feature, camera, any general info would be great. I did go to a website www. I do alot of texting(especially at work!!!! why is it that people will telephone you when they know your at commission at) , pic are important I take alot of pic and usually save them as wallpaper(of myself or my boys), Speaker Phone, whatever you know about the phone please information thanks. So a couple hours late a T-Mobile sale workman called and ask my provided I wanted to upgrade my call to a Motorola W490!!!! Not knowing anything about the phone I said I would phone them tomorrow to let them know if I wanted an upgrade or the Razr V3. I would amity to upgrade for freebie of course!!! Not sure of the phone. Com to jewel out besides, there were! not any review yet. I phone T-Mobile and a claim was means to send out another one. Hello, Yahoo Mate My Razr V3(Magenta Pink) was stolen gone of my SUV nowadays.

Nokia Mobiles??? I need to buy a new ....Please at least read it!!!?

Hows Nokia 5700Is it attractive promising telephone or an average one(plz dont ans this by reading reviews. Plz tell me. Or Sony W660i(latest one) or we hold better challenging phones in same range and better features provided exist. I am immature bit cunfused betwen some expressive phone. I come directly on the point. I need to buy a just out animated telephone.

Who owns your cell phone data, you or the phone carrier?


Sprint Palm Treo 700wx or 755p (Windows Mobile or Palm OS)?

I am not sure which one is better. It was a abundance of help nevertheless I am still unsure. My question is which phone is more desirable ? The Palm Treo 700wx or the 755p ? Thank You. I definitely prefer windows mobi! le but I don't like how the palm treo 700wx design is and windows mobile is somewhat slow while loading programs. They are both colorful softwares. I am yet deciding if I should switch from the 700wx to the 755p. I wanted to obtain the palm treo 755p ultimate week but it was away of stock so I ordered the palm treo 700wx instead. 2 days subsequent I check the site the 755p was available for sale. I was just wondering what the characteristic between the Palm OS and Windows Mobile. I had scan a cipher of reviews from CNET.

Com its great!.

It has further secondary front camera for video calling. 2 megapixel camera with carl zeiss optics, auto locus, flash and 8x digital zoom. I think in these bell scale 6500 will be the first-rate for you its a deluxe slider ring with excellent look and having good features too 6500 slide has a a 3. 6500 slide good tune merit and business and internet features its is a really good call and expenditure to bias it analysis out here for more details.

I PHone, I have dubbed mine mini ! Mac.

May be 109 or 110 or you obtain been cheated by the shop keeper. May be a china moving.

I just got my w490 and i luv it i think the camera is pretty crack and its pretty fast to text (sometimes it can barley keep up with you) speaker phone is OK i thought it was just OK. But i hope tat helped.

Or you could get the Krazr. Why dont you just bias a motorola razr? does it posses to be a nokia?The razrz are really easy to use and object and They are in style.

I'd rob peeople blind provided they let me too. Why? seeing millions of people chalk a check and wages these charges without blinking an eye.

I personally prefer the Palm OS. I own used both the Palm OS and the Windows versions of Treos. To begin with Palm OS is just much easier to use and get around with all together. Keep in mind on the other hand that provided you convenience Microsoft Word, Excel, and other duty programs these programs are easily used with the Windows account! without any issues. I also find that when I am looking for programs environing the internet for Treos I find a lot aggrandized Palm OS compatible programs than Windows. I daydream this helps. This didn't build any difference to me owing to there are also programs that will allow you to picture and edit Microsoft Office documents with Palm OS. I haven't used the Windows expanded enough to know for sure, but I have heard many reports of the Windows story crashing and restarting yet more often than Palm.

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