What would you expect to get paid for lease of land for a cell phone tower?
We have been approached by T Mobile asking if we would be buying it in allowing them to lease a bit of our 16 acres in the middle of Missouri for a tower. Any clue, anybody??!! A little extra cash would be cool! I have no idea what the going rate for this would be.
Did I get a good deal on my cell tower lease?
I just recently signed a cell phone tower sublet so they can put a tower on my property. Maintainance crews will scrutinize and address problems every 3 months. My driveway in about 1/4 mile elongate and they come off of it approximately 1/2 way. This is in backwoods WV. The rental reward is $625/month with increases 3% annually. Tower is going to be on the hill above my house behind trees. One matter I had was the corporation refused giving me any share of subleasing, but I took what I could get, now some almighty dollar is more useful than no money. My rentals start ! upon direction. They are to maintain site and access. Plus they are going to overhaul my horrible driveway (almost to the speck it is 4x4 only.
how to lease land for a cell phone tower?
What companies build Cell phone towers and can get a lease on my land?
I have found one company that does this, called Coronet Castle International .
can I lease property to a cell phone tower?who do I cantact.?
How can you identify the cell phone tower my phone is connected to at the moment?
I want to impart customer relations or support the exact identification of the bad tower. That can be an ID by phone memo, or lease ID, or tower location or some numeric principle or whatever. I would commensurate to be able to divulge my service provider approximately some dangerous signals and info that happen only when I'm in a particular 5 mile area.
How can I lease my property to a cell phone company or radio station for a tow! er? What is the going rate?
I have a hill that would be a great spot for a tower, on the contrary don't notice how to go approximately advertising to the right entities.
I need some help with information on Cell Phone Tower Emissions....?
And would you feel safe working in that store for agedness? Thanks for any information. There is a proposal for a tower to go up above a store at a busy intersection in my area. I essential some help with information on Cell Phone Tower Emissions. The owner is talking approximately a 20 year lease from the cell call carrier. Can you point me to some websites, articles or information about: What long spell stuff the transmissions could have on people, transmission frequencies. Children will soon be using that store as they buy snacks and supplies.
How much do cell phone companies pay to rent land for cell towers?
Anyone retain any estimate? I know it varies enormously depending on the domicile, nevertheless what would the average yearly lease be worth.
How long ca! n a cell phone company take to repair an outage before the FCC considers it a problem?
We credit this to be due to the Cingular/AT&T merge, however they will not admit it. When will the FCC excite involved and how can I contact them to complain? Please sign, this is NOT a coverage issue, we own 5 bars of signal, this is strictly inability to collect incoming calls - outgoing calls can be made honest fine. We have not been able to cop incoming calls to our cell phones since July 20th, and it's now July 25th. Cingular wireless is telling us the crunch is with another carrier who runs the tower that they lease space on.
NOW where you can make some aggrandized bucks is if the co-locators need ground space for their equipment shed or generator extent. Sprint will continue all their equipment and the compound and fence however weed ascendancy is usually the venture of the ground landlord (YOU) at least where Sprint/Nextel is concerned. And the technicians wi! ll keep access to your site 24/7, and believe me most cell sites oomph down all over 2am in the morning. It all depends on the cell phone society you signed a lease with. They will look to you for maintenance and it will be spelt absent in your rental agreement. Generator space is only $350, on the other hand you might be able to rent out additional ground room for check, I wouldn't gouge the other cell companies due to they only want a small space and will NOT remuneration you an exorbitant immensity to simply put their equipment when they are renting from another cellular partnership. Does it have a clause in your agreement that the rent commences upon inception of interpretation or 18 months? Cause during that extent they could terminate the lease if they find your location is not suitable after all. 00/month You are going to be subjected to an unsightly tower, you will have to maintain the property (at your expense) maintain the access road for the technicians and will obtain to do weed containment and grass cutting. Since you didn! 039;t mention I can't determin how fast they will build on your site. EDIT: All cell companies continue their own sites. The original cell company is the one you should keep tried to get also money from. It could be 18 months before you even clock any rent. Since dealing with Cell Garret leases you could have gotten more. Not a whole collection more mind you, up to $1000. It also sucks that you don't carry a share of Co-locations, whereas you know they will rent portions of their towers to other providers to levy up their equipment.
Register for Cellular Site Landowners Association here.
They can direct you to the appropiate branch that takes care of leasing land. You may want to research cellular companies that have service in your existence and ring their customer advantage #.
Do a search on "site acquisition" or "landholders AND tower". There are a few co's out there.
It's probably indubitable similar to a p! rogram I use at Sprint that will allow us to case a trouble ticket for a particular address. As a consumer, you can't, you can lone case a trouble ticket with care or tech or whoever handles that for your carrier, and then they have to figure gone what is causing the doubt.
Contact bechtel. They normally have persons working on rooftop leasing.
At the top of a pole, you are not exposed to all the more EMF. I donkeywork for a influence company and we often get coincident questions about substations. EMF (electro magnetic fields) are created by everything that uses or generates electricity. Those kids who buy snacks at that store will be exposing themselves to more EMF by playing video games and chatting on their cell phones than anything the tower could arrange. It drops off dramatically the further you satisfy from the source.
Typically, cell companies solicit for the land on their own. They game plan their network expansions years in advance, because of government regs - it takes a while to get things approved. They gen! erally don't like to be contacted, but you can try. It depends on the location, and whether or not the lodging is going to be a considerable switch, or just one servicing a smaller community.
If they can't work it out and you thirst to see results, file a complaint with the bbb at www. The FCC are more the traffic cops of the airwaves. They don't craving to lose you. They only care that everyone is in their lanes, not if you're broke down on the side of the road. I can't remember the figures, but it costs them something like $100 to gain a current customer, so interest you is cost approximately the corresponding. You should be able to drudgery it out with your cell association. Since they cannot favor the service you agreed to and posses broken the contract, your should be able to promenade away without penalty.
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